National Cyber Coordinator of Hungary; Professor, Obuda University – Hungary Dr. Zoltán Rajnai is currently the National Cyber Coordinator of Hungary  and professor at the Obuda University.

Previously Dr. Rajnai served as Colonel in Hungarian Defense Forces (1981-2013) and was professor at the National Defense University in the field of Information, info-communication, and telecommunication systems (1993-2013). Since 2013, Dr. Rajnai also is the Dean of faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Head of Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences with main responsibilities in the field of Cyber Security, Information Security, info-communication, and telecommunication systems. Dr. Rajnai received education from the High School at the Hungarian Defense Forces (1981-1985), the Military Academy (1990-1993), the Doctoral School on Military Sciences (1997-2000), and the Joint Security College- Paris, France (2003-2004).