Želimir Kešetović PhD (1960,Sarajevo). At Faculty of Political Sciences University of Belgrade graduated (1984), finished MA (1994) and PhD (1999). Worked as analyst in Serbian Ministry of Interior (1985-1995), professor of Sociology and Criminology and head of Research and Development Unit of the Police College (1995-2005). Member of Think Tank for reform of Ministry of Interior after democratic changes in Serbia in 2000. Deputy editor of Ministry of Interior journal Bezbednost (Security). Assistant professor (2005), associate professor (2009) and full professor (2013) and vice dean (2015) of Crisis management at Faculty of Security Studies. Participated in number of conferences in Serbia and abroad. Author of more than 150 papers in domestic and foreign journals and seven books: Censorship in Serbia (1998), Sociology (1999), Police public relations (2000), Research work of the Police College (2004), Comparative models of police training and education (2005), Crisis management – Prevention (2006) and Crisis management university textbook (2008) and essays in World Police Encyclopedia (Routledge, 2006), Policing in emerging democracies (Fakulteta za varnostne vede,2007), Police Education and Training in a Global Society (Lexington books, 2007) i The Fight Against Terrorism and Crisis Management in the Western Balkans’ (IOS Press 2008).