Education • 2013: Doctor of Legal Science, PhD, Faculty of Law “Justinian I”, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius “- Skopje, topic of doctoral dissertation:The crime of abuse of power, Mentor: Academic Prof. Dr. Vlado Kambovski. • 2007: Master of Legal Science, Msc in the area of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law “Justinian I”, “St. Cyril and Methodius”- Skopje, • 1996: A graduate criminologist, Faculty of Security, University “St. Cyril and Methodius”- Skopje. Work Experience • 2014 – today: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin“ (Full time), Sv .Nikole – Bitola • 2015 – today: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Detectives and Criminology, “European University – Republic of Macedonia“ (Part time), Skopje • 2014 – today: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, State University “Goce Delcev“ (Part time), Stip • 2009 – 2014: Advisor in a private company. Working on projects related to standardization (ISO standards implementation), consulting, legal work. • 2007 – 2009: Manager of security and rescue, Professional rescue service,,New Alliance ” • 2006 – 2007: Educator and Trainer, Educator and trainer in the area of weapons handling through the „Macedonian Association for weapons handling“, where he is the founder and the President. • 2004 – 2006: Аssistant at the European University – Republic of Macedonia, subjects: Criminal law, Organized Crime and Proliferation. • 1987- 2004: employed in the Ministry for Internal Affairs ◦ 1991: worked in the Regular police forces, ◦ 1992 – 2001: Tactical Unit for Special Operations “Tiger”Commander of Unit, Platoon Commander and Chief Instructor of special operations (Infiltration in buildings and dealing with hostage situation crisis, attack on train, bus, automobile, airplane, arresting hostile individuals, weapons handling: handgun, rifle, sniper etc.). During that period he worked as an Instructor in military-tactical training ◦ 2002 – 2004: – Chief of the Sector for special units in the Ministry of Interior of RM. (2002 Promoted to Major General) • During the time spent in Ministry of Interior of RM (1987 – 2004): ◦ organized and conducted several courses and seminars with employees of the MIA, ◦ concerning weapons handling, ◦ military tactical training, ◦ arresting hostile individuals, ◦ infiltration in buildings, ◦ dealing with demonstrations on a larger scale etc. (with members of the regular police force, special units of the police and the Tactical Unit for Special Operations “Tiger”), ◦ organizing and conducting activities such as safeguarding VIP persons. During the employment in MIA, he has been rewarded several times including the three hand guns which he received as a gift from ministers of Internal Affairs. Finished Courses and Seminars • 2000: Advanced Course in Dealing with demonstrations on a larger scale, with instructors of CRS – France, conducted in Skopje; • 2000: Course in Infiltration in buildings and dealing with hostage situations, conducted with instructors from France(RAID), conducted in Skopje; • 1998: Special course in military tactical training, conducted with instructors from foreign countries; • 1998: Course in Snipers(basic and advanced), conducted with instructors from foreign countries; • 1997: Seminar in conducting/dealing with crisis situations; • 1997: “HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS COURSE” – conducted in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA; • 1994: “TACTICAL OPERATIONS COURSE” – with instructors from the United States, conducted in Skopje; • 1994: “ADVANCED DEFENSIVE MARKSMANSHIP” – with instructors from the United States, conducted in Skopje • 1994: “SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS TRAINING COURSE” – conducted in the United States (handgun, rifle – MP-5; M – 16; sniper training, course in explosives handling, special shooting etc.) with instructors from SWAT teams of the United States; • 1992 – 2001: (every season) – Seminar in skiing and special training in winter conditions Skills and specialties • Education Management; • Organization and implementation of projects; • Organization and implementation of projects in the field of crime prevention, national security, police, etc.; • Managing and conducting Special police operations; • Organizing safeguarding VIP persons (external and internal perimeter), in opened and closed space; • Conducting education from all the areas connected with handling weapons with a specific methodological approach (theory and practice); Social activities • President of MAPS (Macedonian Association for Practical Shooting) in Republic of Macedonia • Member of the Presidency of the Macedonian Sports Shooting Federation • Member of the Presidency of NAW (National Association for Weapons) in the Republic of Macedonia • Member of the Association of Lawyers in the Economy. • Member of the International humanitarian organization “Lions” Languages • English – good knowledge • Croatian – excellent knowledge • Bosnian – excellent knowledge • Serbian – excellent knowledge Sports • Judo (Black Belt I DAN) Published scientific papers • • “The Influence of the Rule of Law in the Social-Political System”, UDK: 340.131: 342.22, Proceedings, ISSBN: 978-99955-95-08-1, V International Scientific Conference on the topic “Science and Practice Apprenticeship Study” , University of Business Studio, Banja Luka, BiH, 15 September 2017 (co-author’s paper) • „Position of the security and counterintelligence service in the system of ruling organization in the Republic of Macedonia – conditions and challenges “, UDK: 355.40 (495.6), Medjunarodni naucni casopis za upravu i upravno pravo „UPRAVA“, Fakultet za upravu, Sarajevo, BIH, 2017, pp.21-34 (co-author paper). • „The legal states and the rule of law – basic determinants for profession of the state“, ISBN 978-86-80194-07-3 (AEMB), COBISS.SR-ID 241076748, III International scientific conference, Knowledge based sustainable economic development ERAZ, Belgrade, Serbia, June, 2017, (co-author paper). • Enterpreneurship and starting up businesses in R.Macedonia, ISSN: 1314-9598, Scientific journal „Entrepreneurship“, South – West University „Neofit Rilski“, Blagoevgrad, Bulgarija, Maj, 2017, pp. 6-22 (co-author paper). • 2016: „Transformational leadership, Scientific journal „Economics and Management“, ISSN: 2367-7600; 1312-594Х Volume: XII, Issue: 2, South-West University „Neofit Rilski“, Blagoevgrad, Bulgarija, • 2016: „The hierarchy of the managers – an important segment of good governance“ , Scientific journal „Entrepreneurship“, Volume: IV, Issue 2, South-West University „Neofit Rilski“, Blagoevgrad, Bulgarija, (co-author paper). • 2016: „Aspects of the administrative procedure in Republic of Macedonia“, UDK: 346.92 (497.7), International Scientific Journal “ADMINISTRATION”, Faculty of Administration, Sarajevo, BiH • 2016: „Criminalization of the abuse of power in international documents – legal framework“, International Scientific Conference on the topic “Euro-Atlantic Integration – Challenges and Perspectives”, International University in Novi Pazar, Serbia, 28-29 October 2016 • 2016: „Criminality in Insurance“, 343. 72: 368. 17, Proceedings, VI International Scientific Conference on “Possible, Real and Virtual”, European University – Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia, (co-author’s paper) • 2016: „The Impact of Corruption and Other Forms of Crime on the Economic System “ , II International Scientific Conference on the topic: “Social, economic, legal, security and social determinants for development of corporate security in the Republic of Macedonia, region and wider” , Corporate Security, Skopje, Macedonia • 2016: „Non-institutional mechanisms for supervision and control over the implementation of laws – Ombudsman“, International Journal of Scientific Works III, VII International Scientific Conference on the topic: “International Dialogue: East-West”, International Slavic University “Mihailo Romanovich Derzhavin” Sveti Nikole, Macedonia • 2015: „The negative role of media and journalists in creating awareness and perception of young people“, Proceedings of scientific papers „Global Media and Socially Responsible Business”, International Scientific Conference: „Media and Economy”, Banjaluka Colllege, Bosnia and Herzegovina. • 2015: „Judicial protection of freedoms and human rights abuses of executive power“,Collection of Scientific Papers, VI International Scientific Conference „INTERNATIONAL DIALOGUE: EAST-WEST”, International Slavic University “G.R.Derzhavin”, Sveti Nikole, Republic of Macedonia. • 2015: „Responsibilities and powers and responsibilities of the Corporate Governance“, Journal of the scientific papers, VI International Scientific Conference „INTERNATIONAL DIALOGUE: EAST-WEST”. The International Slavic University “G.R.Derzhavin”, Sveti Nikole, Republic of Macedonia. • 2015: „Marketing activities of the police, with special emphasis on preventive activity“, Journal of the scientific papers, Second International Scientific Conference, Macedonian Marketing Association “Marketing” – Skopje, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. • 2014: „Corporate crime“ Proceedings of scientific papers, First International Scientific Conference: „Social change in the Global World“ State University „Goce Delchev“, Stip, Republic of Macedonia. • 2014: „Cooperation between the police and public prosecution in the new Law on Criminal Procedure in the Republic of Macedonia“, Proceedings of scientific papers, International Scientific Conference on Exchange of theoretical knowledge and experiences related to the work on the model of prosecutorial investigation and the concept of new criminal procedure“, International University of Novi Pazar, Department of law, and the International association of criminalists, Banja Luka, with financial support of OSCE Serbia, Sjenica, Republic of Serbia. • 2014: „Knowledge and education – fundamental capital for success in a global society“, “Knowledge”, International magazine for scientific and application papers, International Scientific Conference on the theme: “Knowledge capital of the future, knowledge now, but how “, Institute for knowledge management, Bansko, Bulgaria. • 2013: „Corruption in business transactions between the public and private sector“,Proceedings of scientific papers, International Scientific Conference on Corruption, University “Vitez”, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. • 2013: „Agency for securing people and property in relation to other sectors of security“, Proceedings of scientific papers, International Scientific Conference on the topic: „Multiculturalism and modern society“, Facultу оf legal and business studies, „Dr. Lazar Vrkatikj”, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. • 2012: „The crime of abuse of power – wound of modern society“, Proceedings of scientific papers, International scientific – expert conference on the topic: Criminal – procedural characteristics of the investigation according to the Criminal Procedure Act in the past decade (theoretical and practical aspects), International Association of criminalists Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. • 2011: „The necessity of risk assessment as a factor in dealing with disasters and accidents in the mines“, Proceedings of scientific papers, International scientific and professional conference: PODEKS 2011 Association of Mining and Geology of the Republic of Macedonia, Makedonska Kamenica, Republic of Macedonia. • 2011: „Ensuring Tracing the site – one of the most important preconditions for the success of the criminal procedure, with particular reference to traces associated with financial crime“, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Professional Conference, International Association of criminalists, Bijeljina, • 2010: „International police cooperation – with special emphasis on cross-border crime“, Proceedings of the International scientific-technical conference of the International Association of criminalists, Subotica, Republic of Serbia. • 2007: „Grey economy and Transition“ – Collection of scientific works, Institute of Economics, UKIM, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. • 2006: „Implementation of GIS systems in the security structures with particular emphasis on the digital cadaster“ – Collection of scientific papers of the Mining Institute, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Participation in conferences, forums, meetings, scientific conferences • 2014: International Scientific Conference: “Social change in the Global World” University „Goce Delchev“, Stip, Republic of Macedonia. • 2014: International Scientific Conference: Exchange of theoretical knowledge and experiences related to the work on the model of prosecutorial investigation and the concept of new Criminal Procedure, International University of Novi Pazar, Department of Law, and the International Association of criminalists, Banja Luka, with financial OSCE support Serbia, Sjenica, Republic of Serbia. • 2013: International Seminar: “The Italian, Bulgarian and Balkan Experience in Investigating, Confiscating and Administering Property Acquired from Criminal Activity”, The Project SAPUCCA “Sharing Alternatives Practices for the Utilization of Con fi scated Criminal Assets”, fi nanced by the DGJustice, Freedom and Security-Programme on Prevention of and Fight against Crime (2007-2013) – ISEC, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. • 2013: International Scientific Conference on the topic: “Multikulturalizm and modern society”, Faculty of Legal and Business Studies “Dr. Lazar Vrkatikj”, Novi Sad, Republic of Macedonia. • 2011: International professional conference PODEKS 2011 entitled: “Technology of underground exploitation of international resources”, Association of Mining and Geology of the Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian Kamenica, Republic of Macedonia. • 2011: International scientific-technical conference on “Criminal forensic research” International Association of criminalists, Bijeljina • 2010: International scientific-technical conference on “International and national cooperation and coordination in confronting crime” International Association of criminalists, Subotica, Republic of Macedonia. • 2006: “Scientific-professional conference”, Mining Institute, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. • 2006: Conferences organized by the association of graduates from the “George C. Marshall Center” Switzerland. Participation in projects • 2017 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – Mission to Skopje Project Title: “Strengthening Institutional Capacity and Efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Further Promoting Advanced Policing Practices, Phase II – Project Umbrella” Task/Activity Title TASK 3: Strengthening the capacity of the BPS’s Department for Special Police Operations (DSPO) in the area of crisis management and by conducting evaluation of the readiness of the Special Units in their scope of work Activity 3.2: Conducting evaluation of the readiness of the Special Units in their scope of work • 2017 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – Mission to Skopje Project Title: “Strengthening Institutional Capacity and Efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Further Promoting Advanced Policing Practices, Phase II – Project Umbrella” Task Title: TASK 1: Strengthening the professional capacities of the MoIA staff to sustain a new police service by conducting commissioned Impact Evaluation to assess the “Further Professionalization of the Police Service in the HC” • 2016: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – Mission to Skopje Project Title “Strengthening Institutional Capacity and Efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Further Promoting Advanced Policing Practices – Project Umbrella” Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – Mission to Skopje Task/Activity Title TASK 1: Strengthening the Capacity of the MolA in the implementation of the new Law on Criminal Procedure ACTIVITY 1.1: Impact Evaluation of the Training on the Law on Criminal Procedure 2011-2015 • 2015: “Research of the process of managing the application of the process institute: Agreement on Wines in the Republic of Macedonia”, Member of the scientific and research team (Decision No..02-114 / 1, 118 Session of the NNS from 16.01.2015), Faculty of Law Science, EURM, Skopje. • 2014: “Social Dimensions of the Electoral Process – the Example of the Republic of Macedonia”, Executive Coordinator of the Scientific Research Project (Decision No..02-1397 / 1, Rector’s Board Meeting of 22.12.2014), EURM, Skopje • 2013: International Seminar : The Italian, Bulgarian and Balkan Experience in Investigating, Confiscating and Administering Property Acquired from Criminal Activity, The Project SAPUCCA“Sharing Alternatives Practices for the Utilization of Confiscated Criminal Assets”, financed by the DGJustice, Freedom and Security-Programme on Prevention of and Fight against Crime (2007-2013) – ISEC, Skopje, March 2013.