Thomas Wegener Friis (ORCID: 0000-0001-7106-2661) is an associate professor and head of Center for Cold War Studies at the University of Southern Denmark. His fields of expertise are foreign relations, the history of the labor movement, security and intelligence studies. He is the co-founder and organizer of the Intelligence Studies conference “Need to Know” (since 2011), the executive director of the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA), and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Zagreb Security Forum. Currently, he is the Chief editor of the Danish journal for contemporary history “Arbejderhistorie”, Deputy Editor of “National Security and the Future”, and Regional editor of “Intelligence Security, and Public Affairs”. And member of in the advisory boards of Polish Journal “Aparat Represji w Polsche Ludowej”, the German yearbook for Communism Studies, and the series of the Austrian Ludwig-Boltmann-Institute for the Consequences of war.As a guest professor he as spend time at the Universities of Kiel, Greifswald, and Bar-Ilan, and has been guest researcher at the Center for Military History and Social Science of the Bundeswehr, the Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), and the Research Department of the Danish Minority in Southern Schleswig. He has published academic books papers and articles on a variety of subjects relating to Cold War History, international relations, and intelligence. Several are available at: /southerndenmark.academia.edu/ThomasFriis