University of Houston, Ph.D., Political Science
St. Mary’s University, M.A., International Relations
Loyola Marymount University, B.A., History
Academic Positions
- Associate Professor, National Defense, University, Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia, January, 2023-
- Online Senior Lecturer, Norwich University, Masters in Diplomacy and International Relations Program, Northfield, Vermont, 2008 – , and course developer.
- Associate Professor, Rabdan Academy, Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, 2019-2021.
- Associate Professor of Political Science at Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, Kentucky, 2012 – 2019; Assistant Professor of Political Science, 2006- 2012.
Areas of Competence
International Relations/Comparative Politics
International Relations Theory Comparative/World Politics
International Security Homeland Security
United States National Security Intelligence
United States Foreign Policy Terrorism
Middle Eastern Politics Soviet and Russian Politics
European Politics (especially British and French Politics)
The Politics of Dictatorships
Political Theory/Philosophy
Ancient, and Medieval American
Modern Democratic
American Politics/Public Law
Introduction to American Government/Politics
Congress, and the Presidency American Political Parties
U.S. Constitutional Law, including Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Courses Taught
National Defense University
National Security Topics. Joint Warfare Strategy and Operations.
Norwich University
GD 510 Theory and International System
GD 546/IR 530A International Security
GD 551 Terrorism: State Actors
GD 552 Terrorism: Non-State Actors (also the course developer)
Rabdan Academy
HLS 100 Homeland Security
HLS 200 Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence
HLS 250 Transnational Threats
Lindsey Wilson College
POSC 1003 Introduction to American Government
POSC 2303 Comparative Politics
POSC 3103 U.S. Congress
POSC 3105 The American Presidency
POSC 3203 Classical Political Thought
POSC 3423 American Constitutional Law
POSC 3503 Middle Eastern Politics
POSC 3783 The Politics of the Soviet Union and Russia
POSC 3833 Modern Political Thought
POSC 3843 Political Ideologies
POSC 4103 American Political Thought
POSC 4282 Terrorism
POSC 4283 The Politics of Dictatorships
“Russian Foreign Policy under Presidents Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin”, in Post-Soviet Conflicts (Lanham: Lexington Press, September 15, 2020).
Book chapter, “Russo-Turkish Relations” in Contemporary Relations between Russia and Turkey: From Crisis to Cooperation (Lanham: Lexington Press, June 15, 2018).
The Webster-Hayne Debate: An Inquiry Into the Nature of Union (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, December 28, 2008).
Publications (cont.)
Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, summer, 2020), author for the following articles: “al Qaeda”; and “ISIS”.
Combating Terrorism in the 21st Century: American Laws, Strategies, and Agencies (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, fall, 2020), author of the following articles: “the War on Terror”, “Counter-Terrorism and the Bush Administration”, “USA Patriot Act Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2006 and Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006”, “USA Freedom Act (2015), and “Recruiting Terrorists”.
The American Revolutionary War (Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2014): “The Necessity of Taking Up Arms;” “the Articles of Confederation;” “The Committee of Correspondence;” “The Federalist Papers.”
The World At War: Understanding Conflict and Society (Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2012): “U.S.-Iraqi Diplomacy Before the Gulf War;” and “America, Iraq, and Deterrence Before the Gulf War.”
Politics of the Early American Republic, 1775-1816 (Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2011): “The Articles of Confederation,” “the Philadelphia Convention,” “the United States Constitution,” and “the Bill of Rights.”
Weapons and Warfare (Pasadena, California: Salem Press, 2010): “The War on Terror Since 1988,” and “The War in Afghanistan Since 2001.”
The Thirties in America (Pasadena, California: Salem Press, 2010): “The New Deal;” “the 1936 U.S. Presidential Election;” “Panama Refining Company v. Ryan (1935).”
The Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern Wars (Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2009):
“The Ba’ath Party;” “The Iranian Revolution;” “Kuwait-Iraq Diplomacy, 1990;” The Attacks of September 11, 2001;” “U.S. Troop Surge in Iraq;” “American Intervention in Lebanon, 1952;” American Intervention in Lebanon, 1980s;” “Economic Effects of the Gulf War on Iraq;” “Poland in the Iraq War;” “The Haditha Massacre;” “France, Army in the Gulf War;” “Romania in the Iraq War;” “South Korea in the Iraq War;” and “Bulgaria in the Iraq War.”
The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2008):
“The British Mandate of Palestine;” “Israel;” “United States Middle East Foreign Policy;” “United Nations Resolutions 242 and 338;” “the Economic Costs of the Iraq War;” “the Economic Costs of the Afghanistan War;” “Post-War Training of Iraqi Troops;” and “United States Intervention in Lebanon,” “Neo-Conservatism;”
“Islamic Radicalism;” “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” “United Nations Weapons Inspectors;” and “Enemy Combatants.”
Publications (cont.)
Articles: (cont.)
America at War Series: Understanding Conflict and Society (Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2007):
“Dredd Scott;” “the Lincoln Assassination;” “the Freedmen;” NATO;” “the Patriot Act;” “the Imperial Presidency;” “the War Powers Act;” “April Glaspie;”
“Nullification;” “Congress and the Vietnam War;” “Counter-Culture;” and “the 1964 U.S. Election and Vietnam.
Foreign Languages
Fluent in French
Basic conversational skills in Arabic and Russian.
Cultural Background
Half-French, American and French citizenship.
Grew up in Algeria, Spain, and Qatar.
References for Dr. Stefan Marc Brooks, Ph.D.
Dr. Lieutenant Colonel Rigo Colon, United States Marine Corps
Professor, National Defense University, Joint Forces Staff College
Dr. Lasha Tchantouridze
Director of the Graduate Programs in Diplomacy and International Relations
College of Graduate and Continuing Studies
Norwich University
Dr. Mark Roycroft
Senior LecturerLondon Metropolitan University
London, England
Dr. Scott Fairgrieve
Laurentian University
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada