RashedUz Zaman has been teaching at the Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka since 1998. He holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Dhaka. He has also obtained a master’s in Security Studies from the University of Hull, and a PhD in Strategic Studies from the University of Reading, United Kingdom. In 2009-11, Dr. Zaman was an Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Erfurt, Germany. He was a Fulbright Visiting Professor in the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, USA, in 2012.
Dr. Zaman works on strategic and international security issues and has spoken and written extensively on Bangladesh in UN peacekeeping missions. Among his publications are ‘Bengal Terrorism and Ambiguity of the Bengali Muslims’ in JussiHanhimaki and Bernhard Blumenau (eds.), An International History of Terrorism: Western and Non-Western Experiences (London and New York: Routledge, 2013). Abook chapter titled ‘South Asian Regionalism and UN Peacekeeping Missions: A Case of ‘and Never the Twain Shall Meet’?’ waspublished in Brendan Howe and Boris Kondoch (eds.) Peacekeeping and the Asia-Pacific (Lieden|Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2016). A special issue on Commonwealth Armies and Peacekeeping carried his article, ‘The Contribution of Commonwealth Armed Forces in UN Peacekeeping Missions: The Case of Bangladesh’, The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Volume 106, No. 4, August 2017.His essay ‘Indian Political Realism’ has been published in December 2018 inEdinburgh Companion to Political Realism edited by Robert Schuett and Miles Hollingworth and published by Edinburgh University Press.Dr. RashedUz Zaman is a regular speaker at National Defence College (NDC), Defense Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC), Bangladesh Institute of Peace Support Operation Training (BIPSOT) and Foreign Service Academy. Since 01 November 2018 he is holding the position of the Chairman of the Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka. He can be contacted at rashed@du.ac.bd