PhD is the Director at the Research Institute for European and American Studies, Chairman, European Intelligence Academy (EIA) and Founding Editor, Journal of Mediterranean and Balkan Intelligence (JMBI). He is Assistant Professor in the Webster University (Athens Campus). He is Member of the Advisory Board for the Master Security Studies and Information Analysis (MASIS) at the American University in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and a Fellow in the International Association for Counter-Terrorism and Security Professionals (IACSPSEA).
He was Adjunct Professor (2005-2007) at the Department of International Relations in the University of Indianapolis (Athens Camus).He earned his Bachelor Degree in Sociology at the Northeast Louisiana University in 1987, his Masters Degree in European Integration and Cooperation at the University of Hull, 1991, and his Doctorate Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Washington International University in 2001. In 2016, he earned a Certificate in Critical Thinking and Effective Writing from Globalytica LLC, USA. He specializes on transatlantic intelligence studies, intelligence reform, and national security architecture.
He has done research and studied in various research institutions in USA, UK, Norway, Finland, Germany and Israel. He has published articles in academic journals and edited (jointly with Prof Joseph Fitsanakis) the book entitled: “Intelligence Beyond the Anglosphere: Mediterranean and Balkan Regions” (Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS), March 2017, Athens, Greece) as well as published the article on: “Intelligence and Balkan Instability: Repeating the Past or Moving in a New Direction?” at the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2018.
John M. Nomikos directed the Greek team in a consortium of five countries (Northern Ireland-UK, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, and Israel) and completed successfully a two year (2009-2011) European Union-FP7 research project titled: SAFE COMMS on “Counter-terrorism Crisis Communication Strategies for Recovery and Continuity.” He participated as Greek Expert on the European Union Project titled TRANSVERSAL BRIDGE (HOME 2012/ISEC/AG/4000004378) on “The Emerging Threat of Transversal Terrorist Alliances and the Radicalization of the European Union Social Climate.” The Project started on January 2014 and completed on April 2016, managed by AGENFOR organization in Italy. He is a Certified Master Antiterrorism Specialist (CMAS).
t of analytical documents of the Second Division of General Staff and Franz Pfeifer statements (co-author P. Kołakowski); Great War in the Balkans. Military and political activities during WWI 1914-1918; Balkan Wars 1912-1913. Area of scientific interests includes the history of the Balkans, intelligence, counter intelligence, polemology, geopolitics, counter terrorism, security studies.