BranislavTodorovic, MSc is a Senior Research Associate in NTUA – National Technical University of Athens (Department of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Centre for Assessment of Natural Hazards and Proactive Planning) and AUA – Agricultural University of Athens, (Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering; Environmental Management & Information Technologies Group – EMIT), Greece. Before becoming a Greek citizen, he has worked for five years as a Senior Researcher in MASBG – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Department for Process Engineering), University of Belgrade, Serbia, with which he is still cooperating. He is a full member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) and the Technical Chamber of Serbia. Branislav Todorovic has participated in many commercial and R&D projects, international conferences and papers from 1989 until today. Positions covered include technical management and assisting in budget distribution and logistics, providing specific experience in Greece & EU, Europe in general, Africa and Latin America. His background covers over 20 years of experience in environmental sciences & IT/ICT, especially GIS, CAD, computer control & measurement systems, programming & software development, 3D modelling, databases etc. He has successfully worked in multidisciplinary project related to capacity building, development of energy and water resources management systems & tools, energy efficiency & conservation, renewable sources & integrated water-energy systems, modelling of processes, public participation, expert systems, various complex designs, etc. Examples of the recent relevant publications: • Todorovic B., Blue Green Dream Vision for Mediterranean (Poster), The Mediterranean City 2014 – Adaptation Strategies to Global Environmental Change in the Mediterranean City and the Role of Global Earth Observations Conference, Athens, Greece, 10-11 June 2014. • Todorovic B., Bletas A., Resilience planning for critical infrastructure linked to “One Belt One Road”initiative in Balkans and Greece, The Belt and Road: The Balkans Perspective – Political and Security Aspects, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Security Studies, ISBN 978-86-80144-11-5, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016 • Todorovic B., Trifunovic D., Jonev K., Filipovic M., Chapter 22 – Contribution to Enhancement of Critical Infrastructure Resilience in Serbia, Resilience and Risk – Methods and Application in Environment, Cyber and Social Domains, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Resilience-Based Approaches to Critical Infrastructure Safeguarding, ISBN 978-94-024-1122-5 (HB), Azores, Portugal, 26–29 June 2016.