In 2003 enrolled at the Faculty of Economics, and graduated with master’s degree in 2009. In 2015 enrolled Phd in Security studies , and got doctoral degree at 2018. From 2008 – 2009, worked at Ministry of Education and Culture. From 2009- preset working at Ministry of Trade. In November 2018 elected for Assistant Professor at International University Brcko, Faculty of security. Published more than 30 articles discussing topics in International security. Participated in many international scientific conferences. In 2012 took one-month stay at AIBO, at Beijing, China, researching WTO dispute settlement system. In 2013 took 21 days stay in Istanbul in TUBITAK Marmara Research centre. In 2018 published a book “Anti-diversion Protection”, and during 2019, published book „Economic espionage“. Speaking English, Russian and Spanish. Mother of one child.