Demetrios Tsailas is a Retired Rear Admiral of the Senior Naval Command of Northern Greece and former director of the department of the Supreme Joint War College for Security and Strategy. Prior to this appointment, he commanded HS AXIOS while flagship for the command of SNMCMG-2 NATO flotilla. Previously, he had spent three years as Defense Attaché of Greece in Canada, and three as Aid de Camp to the President of Republic Kostas Stefanopoulos. His earlier command appointments include the Fast Patrol Ships Guided HS LASKOS and HS ANNINOS, the torpedo boats HS ESPEROS and HS TOXOTIS.
Rear Admiral Tsailas, graduated from the Naval Academy in 1981. A navigation and operation specialist, he served as Navigating officer in patrol boats and destroyer escorts, was a navigator instructor at the Naval Officers’ Training Centre and at the Naval Academy. Operational tours as Combat and Training Officer, in destroyer escorts, had a number of operational and training appointments in that area. He holds a Master’s Degree in Maritime Strategic Studies from Naval War College. He is a graduate of both the Command and Staff Course in the Naval Officers’ Training Centre. Rear Admiral (Rt) Dimitrios Tsailas was the first General Director to Strategy International’s directorate board and after a period of five years he retired from Strategy International’s directorate board at the level of Director General of Strategy International.
Research Interests:
• Regional Maritime Security Project
• Piracy, Illegal Migration, and Criminal Activity at Sea
• Foreign and Defence Policy
• Maritime Strategy
• Maritime Security Operations
• Maritime Situational Awareness.
Activities include:
• Organization of maritime security conferences and workshops;
• Publication of the Maritime Security Occasional Papers series and occasional monographs;
• Teaching of at operational planning course within the Department of Strategy and Security;
• Provision of lectures to the War College and;
• Support to the Centre seminar series.
A senior naval officer with leadership experience in critical thinking, strategic planning, policy development and implementation, international institutions and personnel management. He also wrote a huge number of articles and analysis.