irector of INIS prof. dr. Darko Trifunović and mr. Darko Obradović, General Secretary of INIS had visited the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Science where they met with assoc. prof. dr. Florian Lobont, Dean of Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Science, West University of Timisoara and sen.lect. Alexandru Jadaneant, head of the Department of Political Science. In this visit INIS and the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Science laid the foundations for further cooperation.
irector of INIS prof. dr. Darko Trifunović and mr. Darko Obradović, General Secretary of INIS had visited the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Science where they met with assoc. prof. dr. Florian Lobont, Dean of Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Science, West University of Timisoara and sen.lect. Alexandru Jadaneant, head of the Department of Political Science. In this visit INIS and the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Science laid the foundations for further cooperation.