The INIS Institute, as the largest scientific society in the field of security and intelligence with over 120 professors and experts from 38 countries, accredited the Training Program on the Functioning of the National Security System at the Qualifications Agency of the Republic of Serbia.
The first cycle started on October 9, 2023. when there was also the opening ceremony of the Training Program, and addressed by Mr. E. Jahel Vilan, Ambassador of Israel to the Republic of Serbia and non-resident Ambassador to Montenegro with an opera performance.
The training is programmed to contain five supporting modules and as such is the first in the country and region. The lecturers are eminent professors and experts from Serbia and Israel. https://intelligence-security.
Twenty participants successfully completed the Program as the first generation, through training in the form of individual modules, they were led by experts who, in addition to many years of experience, passed the complete accreditation procedure and obtaining a certificate of andragogic competences.
13.10.2013. year, the training program was completed and the Executive Certificate of successfully completed training was awarded.
The INIS Institute would once again like to thank the lecturers from Serbia and Israel for the successful lessons and lectures, as well as all the participants for their dedicated work and effort.
“Learn from the best”
Trifunović: Saradnja Srbije i Izraela nije dovoljno razvijena i shvaćena
INIS: Realizovan program obuke o funkcionisanju sistema nacionalne bezbednosti – Tanjug
INIS: Realizovan program obuke o funkcionisanju sistema nacionalne bezbednosti – Tanjug
The INIS Institute, as the largest scientific society in the field of security and intelligence with over 120 professors and experts from 38 countries, accredited the Training Program on the Functioning of the National Security System at the Qualifications Agency of the Republic of Serbia.
The first cycle started on October 9, 2023. when there was also the opening ceremony of the Training Program, and addressed by Mr. E. Jahel Vilan, Ambassador of Israel to the Republic of Serbia and non-resident Ambassador to Montenegro with an opera performance.
The training is programmed to contain five supporting modules and as such is the first in the country and region. The lecturers are eminent professors and experts from Serbia and Israel. https://intelligence-security.
Twenty participants successfully completed the Program as the first generation, through training in the form of individual modules, they were led by experts who, in addition to many years of experience, passed the complete accreditation procedure and obtaining a certificate of andragogic competences.
13.10.2013. year, the training program was completed and the Executive Certificate of successfully completed training was awarded.
The INIS Institute would once again like to thank the lecturers from Serbia and Israel for the successful lessons and lectures, as well as all the participants for their dedicated work and effort.
“Learn from the best”
Trifunović: Saradnja Srbije i Izraela nije dovoljno razvijena i shvaćena
INIS: Realizovan program obuke o funkcionisanju sistema nacionalne bezbednosti – Tanjug
INIS: Realizovan program obuke o funkcionisanju sistema nacionalne bezbednosti – Tanjug