Published On: December 4th, 2018


“Security as a essential Science for Intelligence, Security, Police and Defense”

International Table was oppened by greetings speech of H.E. Dr Nebojsa Stefanovic, Minister of Interior of Republic of Serbia. Dr Stefanovic gave perspectives of security as science contribution in fighting against criminal, coruption and other security chalanges.

Belgrade conference is designate to launch an initiative related to the definition of the concept of Security Science. Unfortunately, scientists around the world have so far been concerned with this issue, which is not the main area of their research of expertise. Attempts to show Security Science as a study program or discipline within the framework of the International Relations have been noted, which according to many security scientist and experts is wrong. Not only it is wrong, it also has a big negative effect also, on both the education process and for all those who are professionally engaged in security field. Security Science represents essence of Defense, Policy, Protection and Intelligence. Lack of appropriate definition and knowledge about Security Science, then, situation where theory completely misses the requirement of practice can bring us to enormous consequences, too.

This International Scientific Conference is first mile stone in direction of defining securiy as scince and expert work presented on it is a just beggining. Topics which goes throught discussion made hypothesis for future scientific contributes and international round tables world wide.


“Security as a essential Science for Intelligence, Security, Police and Defense”

International Table was oppened by greetings speech of H.E. Dr Nebojsa Stefanovic, Minister of Interior of Republic of Serbia. Dr Stefanovic gave perspectives of security as science contribution in fighting against criminal, coruption and other security chalanges.

Belgrade conference is designate to launch an initiative related to the definition of the concept of Security Science. Unfortunately, scientists around the world have so far been concerned with this issue, which is not the main area of their research of expertise. Attempts to show Security Science as a study program or discipline within the framework of the International Relations have been noted, which according to many security scientist and experts is wrong. Not only it is wrong, it also has a big negative effect also, on both the education process and for all those who are professionally engaged in security field. Security Science represents essence of Defense, Policy, Protection and Intelligence. Lack of appropriate definition and knowledge about Security Science, then, situation where theory completely misses the requirement of practice can bring us to enormous consequences, too.

This International Scientific Conference is first mile stone in direction of defining securiy as scince and expert work presented on it is a just beggining. Topics which goes throught discussion made hypothesis for future scientific contributes and international round tables world wide.
