
Belgrade Security and Intelligence Forum
March 27-29, 2025
About Belgrade Security and Intelligence Forum
BSIF is a dedicated forum for professors, scientists and experts in the fields of Security, Intelligence, Defense and Counter-Terrorism. In cooperation with our partners Zagreb Security Forum, Krakow Security Forum and several universities, faculties, institutes and others we intend to realize the synergy of knowledge and experience of experts and world-renowned scientists and professors in one place. The two-day program is packed with on-stage high-level panel discussions, Chatham House rule-based round tables and dozens of bilateral meetings – all designed to find answers to the most pressing current Security, Intelligence and Defence issues. BSIF is designed and conceived to bring together experts and professionals who need to provide answers to existing internal and external risk factors and threats, taking into account possible predictions. Security Science is the basic science through which the ultimate goal is reached, which is the Safety Culture. BSIF promotes Security Science as a theory-based science that has its own general and specific methods. It is impossible to do Security, Defence, or Intelligence Studies without Security Science. At the same time, BSIF has as one of its priorities the role and position of women in the national security system.
Partners and co-organizers:
University of Warsaw, Poland, Zagreb Security Forum, Croatia, Krakow Security Forum (The Higher School of Public and Individual Security “Apeiron”, Poland), Obuda University, Hungary, Lviv University, Ukraine, Research Institute for European and American Studies RIEAS, Greece, Faculty of Security Studies, N. Macedonia, University St. Nikola, N. Macedonia, Catholic University Holly Heart, Italy, Bar Illan University, Israel, University of South Denmark, Denmark, New University, Slovenia, Faculty of Industrial Management, Serbia.

Belgrade Security and Intelligence Forum
March 27-29, 2025
About Belgrade Security and Intelligence Forum
BSIF is a dedicated forum for professors, scientists and experts in the fields of Security, Intelligence, Defense and Counter-Terrorism. In cooperation with our partners Zagreb Security Forum, Krakow Security Forum and several universities, faculties, institutes and others we intend to realize the synergy of knowledge and experience of experts and world-renowned scientists and professors in one place. The two-day program is packed with on-stage high-level panel discussions, Chatham House rule-based round tables and dozens of bilateral meetings – all designed to find answers to the most pressing current Security, Intelligence and Defence issues. BSIF is designed and conceived to bring together experts and professionals who need to provide answers to existing internal and external risk factors and threats, taking into account possible predictions. Security Science is the basic science through which the ultimate goal is reached, which is the Safety Culture. BSIF promotes Security Science as a theory-based science that has its own general and specific methods. It is impossible to do Security, Defence, or Intelligence Studies without Security Science. At the same time, BSIF has as one of its priorities the role and position of women in the national security system.
Partners and co-organizers:
University of Warsaw, Poland, Zagreb Security Forum, Croatia, Krakow Security Forum (The Higher School of Public and Individual Security “Apeiron”, Poland), Obuda University, Hungary, Lviv University, Ukraine, Research Institute for European and American Studies RIEAS, Greece, Faculty of Security Studies, N. Macedonia, University St. Nikola, N. Macedonia, Catholic University Holly Heart, Italy, Bar Illan University, Israel, University of South Denmark, Denmark, New University, Slovenia, Faculty of Industrial Management, Serbia.