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Todorovic B., Trifunovic D., Jonev K., Filipovic M. (2016) Chapter 22 – Contribution to Enhancement of Critical Infrastructure Resilience in Serbia, Resilience and Risk – Methods and Application in Environment, Cyber and Social Domains, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Resilience-Based Approaches to Critical Infrastructure Safeguarding, ISBN 978-94-024-1122-5 (HB), Azores, Portugal, 26–29 June 2016
Todorovic B. (2018) Security Aspects Assessment of Critical Infrastructures in the Republic of Greece within the Framework of Security Risks Analysis Related to the Project “One Belt And Road” – Initiative 16 + 1, Study within the project “One Belt One Road Risk assessment” conducted by Centre for National and International Security in cooperation with Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (October 2018) & Keynote speech at the International Round Table “One Belt One Road /Economy-Security-Politics”, Belgrade, Serbia, 3 December 2018
Todorovic B., Trifunovic D. (2020) Chapter 19 – Prevention of (Ab-)Use of the Internet for Terrorist Plotting and Related Purposes, Handbook of Terrorism Prevention and Preparedness, NL: ICCT Press, ISBN 9789090339771, The Hague, 2020, DOI: 10.19165/2020.6.0119
Todorovic B., Trifunovic D. (2020) Security Science as a Scientific Discipline – Technological Aspects, Security Science Journal, ISSN: 2737-9493, Vol. 1 No.1, p. 9-20, DOI: https://doi.org/10.37458/ssj.1.1.1
Zxivanovich S., Todorovic B., Lorré J.P., Trifunovic D., Kotelba A., Sadre R., Legay A. (2022) IoT in a New Age of Unified and Zero‐Trust Networks and Increased Privacy Protection, Cybersecurity in Smart Homes: Architectures, Solutions and Technologies , Wiley, 2022, pp.177-201, doi: 10.1002/9781119987451.ch5
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Trifunovic, D. (2024). Intelligence and Protection of Key (Critical) Infrastructure Objects. In: Kovács, T.A., Nyikes, Z., Berek, T., Daruka, N., Tóth, L. (eds) Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts. HCC 2022. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
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Trifunovic, D. (2024). The New Craft of Intelligence: Information Operations and Cyber Security. In: Besenyő, J., Khanyile, M.B., Vogel, D. (eds) Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Modern Sub-Saharan Africa. African Histories and Modernities. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
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Trifunovic, D.(2024) Medical Safety, Security and Intelligence, Security Science Journal, DOI: 10.37458/ssj.5.
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Dragnea, M., Fitsanakis, J., Trifunovic, D., Nomikos, J., M., Stamevski, V., Cupcea, A. (2023). Aspects of Islamic Radicalization in the Balkans After the Fall of Communism. New York, United States of America: Peter Lang Verlag. Retrieved Aug 28, 2024, from 10.3726/b19990
Besenyő, J., Gulyas, A., & Trifunovic, D. (2022). Hezbollah and the Internet in the Twenty-First Century. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 36(3), 669–685. https://doi.org/10.1080/
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Contemporary Relations of the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) with Serbia / Darko Trifunović // International Organizations : Serbia and Contemporary World. Vol. 2 / [ed. Duško Dimitrijević, Toni Mileski]. – ISBN 978-86-7067-306-9. – Vol. 2 (2022), p. 359–373.(ISBN 978-86-7067-304-5)
Trifunovic, D., & Dragišić, Z. (2022). The Security Intelligence System of the Republic of Serbia. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 35(2), 353–373. https://doi.org/10.1080/
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Trifunovic. D. – Kazansky.R. – Bad weather. P. 2021. T Conceptualization of Terrorism as a Modern Form of Political Violence. In Political Science. [online]. Vol. 24, No. 2, 2021. ISSN 1335 – 2741, pp. 108-124. Available at: https://doi.org/10.
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Az ENSZ nyugat-szaharai missziójának tapasztalatai – doktori (PhD) értekezés, Zrínyi Miklós nemzetvédelmi Egyetem, Kossuth Lajos Hadtudományi Kar, Hadtudományi Doktori Iskola, 2010, 165 oldal,
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Western Sahara, Publikon Publishers, Pécs, 2009, 197 oldal, ISBN: 978-963-88332-0-4, http://mek.oszk.hu/12900/
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A Magyar Honvédség karjelzései 1992-2008, Honvédelmi Minisztérium FLÜ kiadványa, 2009, 173 oldal, ISBN: 978-963-7037-59-7 http://www.scribd.com/doc/
127197720/A-Magyar-Honvedseg- karjelzesei-1990-2008 -
Homok, Hőség, Nyugat-Szahara – Magyar Katonai Missziók könyvsorozatban, Zrínyi kiadó, Budapest, 2010, ISSN 1789-8390, ISBN: 978-963-327-495-8, 88 oldal
A nyugat-szaharai válság – egy magyar békefenntartó szemével – IDResearch Kft./Publikon Kiadó, 2012, Pécs, 353 oldal, ISBN:978-615-5001-56-7
Magyar Békefenntartók Afrikában – A Katonai Nemzetbiztonsági Szolgálat kiadványa, Budapest, ISBN 978-963-08-5497-9, 488 oldal, http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/
dokumentumok/besenyo_13.10.03. _magyar_bekefenntartok_ afrikaban.pdf -
Dárfúr a lángoló tartomány – Az Afrikai Unió szudáni missziójának története, Pécs: IDResearch Kft – Publikon Kiadó, 2016. 249 p, ISBN: 978-615-5457-67-8
Magyar katonai és rendőri műveletek az afrikai kontinensen 1989-2019/Participation of Hungary in African Operations between 1989-2019, Óbudai Egyetem Biztonságtudományi Doktori Iskola, Budapest, 2019, 134 p, ISBN: 978-963-449-121-7
Magyarország és a nyugat-szaharai válság, Budapest, Monarchia Kiadó, 2020, 460 p, ISBN: 978-615-80864-1-7
Darfur Peacekeepers – The African Union peacekeeping mission in darfur (AMIS) from the perspective of a Hungarian military advisor, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2021, ISBN: 9782343236964
János Besenyő; Joseph Huddleston; Yahia H. Zoubir (editors): Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara: The Role of the UN’s Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO), Routledge, CRC Press (2023), 368 p. DOI ISBN: 9781032257624
MINURSO United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara: Peace Operation Stalled in the Desert, 1991-2021, Warwick, Egyesült Királyság, Helion & Company (2023), ISBN: 9781804512067
Besenyő, J., Khanyile, M.B., Vogel, D. (eds) Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Modern Sub-Saharan Africa. African Histories and Modernities. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
031-56673-8 -
Individual book chapters:
Hagyomány vagy újkori találmány? A gyerekkatonaság – Afrika Ma, Tradíció, átalakulás, fejlődés (Tanulmánykötet, kiadó: IDResearch Kft./Publikon Kiadó, Pécs, 2009, ISBN: 978-963-88505-8-4), 163-187. o
Magyarország részvétele az Európai Unió afrikai műveleteiben, In: Türke András István; Besenyő János; Wagner Péter (szerk.): Magyarország és a CSDP: Magyar szerepvállalás az Európai Unió közös biztonság- és védelempolitikájában. Budapest: Zrínyi Kiadó, 2016. pp. 204-219., ISBN:978 963 327 672 3
Migrációs útvonalak, In: Besenyő János; Miletics Péter; Orbán Balázs: Európa és a Migráció, Zrínyi Kiadó, 2019, pp. 31-64., ISBN: 978 963 327 794 2
Az első generációs muszlim bevándorlók és a terrorizmus – csak a másod- és a harmadgenerációs muszlimok jelenthetnek veszélyt Európára? In: Besenyő János; Miletics Péter; Orbán Balázs: Európa és a Migráció, Zrínyi Kiadó, 2019, pp. 120-171., ISBN: 978 963 327 794 2
contexto das missões UNAVEM/MONUA, In: Besenyő János, Búr Gábor, Horváth Sándor, Rákóczi István: A participação da Hungria nas missões de paz da ONU em Angola. 214 p, Budapest: Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely (HVK TKH), 2017.(ISBN:978-615-80864-0-0), pp. 8-17.
Experiências dos operacionais húngaros em Angola depoimentos, In: Besenyő János, Búr Gábor, Horváth Sándor, Rákóczi István: A participação da Hungria nas missões de paz da ONU em Angola. 214 p, Budapest: Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely (HVK TKH), 2017.(ISBN:978-615-80864-0-0), pp. 101-183.
Christianity and Africa In: János Besenyő; Viktor Marsai: The Dynamics of Conflicts in Africa in the Early 21st Century, 242 p, Dialog Campus, 2018, ISBN 978-615-5889-57-8 (print), ISBN 978-615-5889-58-5 (ebook), https://akfi-dl.uni-nke.hu/
pdf_kiadvanyok/web_PDF_ Dynamics_of_Conflicts_in_ Africa.pdf -
Military and Police Experiences from Western Sahara. The Case of Hungary, In: János, Besenyő; Joseph, Huddleston; Yahia, H. Zoubir (szerk.) Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara: The Role of the UN’s Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO), Routledge, CRC Press (2023), 368 p. pp. 214-229. (16 p)
Somalia: A Battlefield of Intelligence Services In: Ryan, Shaffer (szerk.) The Handbook of African Intelligence Cultures, Lanham (MD), Amerikai Egyesült Államok: Rowman and Littlefield (2023) pp. 601-614., 14 p.
Zimbabwe: An Intelligence Community against Each Other and Everyone In: Ryan, Shaffer (szerk.) The Handbook of African Intelligence Cultures, Lanham (MD), Amerikai Egyesült Államok: Rowman and Littlefield (2023) pp. 731-746., 16 p.
Besenyő, J. (2024). Terrorist Threats to African Hospitals. In: Kovács, T.A., Nyikes, Z., Berek, T., Daruka, N., Tóth, L. (eds) Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts. HCC 2022. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
031-47990-8_7 -
Besenyő, J. (2024). The Ukrainian Conflict’s Impact on the Prevailing Causes of Radicalization in North Africa. In: Besenyő, J., Issaev, L., Korotayev, A. (eds) Terrorism and Political Contention. Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
031-53429-4_6 -
Besenyő János, Szabados József: A Katonai Logisztika – A Tervezéstől a Műveletekig sorozatban – Zrínyi Miklós Nemzetvédelmi Egyetem, Budapest, 2009, 123 oldal, ISBN: 9789637060670
Besenyő János, Deák Gabriella: A biztonság új aspektusai: A kórházi személyzet biztonsága – A kórházi erőszakos cselekedetek megelőzése, MH Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság Tudományos Tanács kiadványa, 2010, 72 oldal, ISBN: 978-963-06-9219-9 http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/
dokumentumok/korhazi_ szemelyzet_biztonsaga.pdf -
Besenyő János, Kis-Álmos Péter, Resperger István: Országismertető-Szomália, „Sereg Szemle” kiadvány, az MH Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság tudományos kiadványa, Székesfehérvár, 2010, ISBN: 978-963-89037-3-0, 84 oldal http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/
dokumentumok/orszagismerteto_ szomalia.pdf -
Besenyő János, Jagadics Péter, Hetényi Soma Ambrus, Resperger István: Országismertető-Csád, „Sereg Szemle” kiadvány, az MH Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság tudományos kiadványa, Székesfehérvár, 2010, ISBN: 978-963-89037-0-9, 114 oldal
Besenyő János, Gyarmati Ádám, Hetényi Soma Ambrus, Pető Gergő, Szijj Dóra, Resperger István: Országismertető-Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság, „Sereg Szemle” kiadvány, az MH Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság tudományos kiadványa, Székesfehérvár, 2010, ISBN: 978-963-89037-1-6, 138 oldal, http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/
dokumentumok/orszagismerteto_ kongo.pdf -
Besenyő János, Marsai Viktor: Országismertető – Líbia, „Sereg Szemle” kiadvány, az MH Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság tudományos kiadványa, Székesfehérvár, 2012, ISBN: 978-963-89037-5-4, 115 oldal http://kalasnyikov.hu/
dokumentumok/orszagismerteto_ libia.pdf -
Besenyő János, Miletics Péter: Országismertető – Egyiptom, „Sereg Szemle” kiadvány, az MH Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság tudományos kiadványa, Székesfehérvár, 2013, ISBN: 978-963-257-250-5, 148 oldal, http://www.scribd.com/doc/
128739389/Beseny%C5%91-Janos- Miletics-Peter-Orszagismertet% C5%91-Egyiptom -
Besenyő János, Miletics Péter: Országismertető – Mali, MH Geoinformációs Szolgálat kiadványa, Budapest, 2013, ISBN: 978-963-08-7010-8, 204 oldal, http://www.scribd.com/doc/
171269967/Beseny%C5%91-Janos- Miletics-Peter-Orszagismertet% C5%91-Mali -
Besenyő János, Búr Gábor, Horváth Sándor: Magyar katonák és rendőrök az ENSZ angolai békeműveletében, Katonai Nemzetbiztonsági Szolgálat kiadványa, Budapest, ISBN 978-963-08-8044-2, 188 oldal, https://hu.scribd.com/doc/
214490487/Beseny%C5%91-Janos- Bur-Gabor-Horvath-Sandor- Magyar-katonak-es-rend%C5% 91rok-az-ENSZ-angolai-bekem% C5%B1veleteben -
Besenyő János, Miletics Péter: Országismertető – Egyiptom, második, bővített kiadás, MH ÖHP – MH KDK és az MH GEOSZ közös kiadványa, Budapest, 2014, ISBN: 978-963-89948-1-3, 294 oldal, http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/
dokumentumok/orszagismerteto_ egyiptom2.pdf -
Besenyő János, Kis Álmos Péter, Resperger István: Országismertető Szomália, második, bővített kiadás, Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely, MH GEOSZ közös kiadványa, Budapest, 2014, ISBN: 978-963-89037-6-1, 189 oldal, https://www.scribd.com/doc/
248577664/Szomalia- Orszagismertet%C5%91-2014 -
Besenyő János, Gömöri Roland: Christians in Syria and the civil war, Panorama of global security environment 2014, CENAA, pp. 219-230, ISBN: 978-80-971124-9-3
Besenyő János, Balogh Andrea, Miletics Péter, Vogel Dávid: Országismertető – Közép-afrikai Köztársaság, Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely, MH GEOSZ közös kiadványa, Budapest, 2015, ISBN: 978-963-89948-2-0, 221 oldal – Ugyanez megjelent franciául is: http://real.mtak.hu/83727/1/
La_Republique_Centrafricaine. pdf -
Besenyő János, Prantner Zoltán: Anszar as-Saria – Tunézia, In: Kis Álmos Péter (szerk): az afrikai terrorista- és szakadárszervezetek. Budapest: Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely (HVK TKH), 2015. pp. 107-127. ISBN:978-963-89948-4-4 Ugyanez a fejezet megjelent a Kis Álmos Péter (szerk): az afrikai terrorista- és szakadárszervezetek, második, bővített kiadásban, Budapest: Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely, Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, 2016. pp. 113-133. ISBN:978-615-5527-80-7
Besenyő János, Prantner Zoltán, Speidl Bianka, Vogel Dávid: Az Iszlám Állam, Terrorizmus 2.0 – Történet, ideológia, propaganda, Budapest, Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely, Kossuth Kiadó, 2016. ISBN: 978-963-09-8441-6, 254 p.
Andrea, Balogh; János, Besenyő; Péter, Miletics; Dávid, Vogel: La République Centrafricaine, Szeged, Magyarország: Centre Universitaire Francophone, (2016) ISBN: 9789631251036, 326 p.
Besenyő János, Miletics Péter: Országismertető – Marokkó, Nyugat-Szahara, Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely, Katonai Nemzetbiztonsági Szolgálat és az MH GEOSZ közös kiadványa, Budapest, 2017, ISBN: 978-963-89948-3-7, 403 oldal, http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/
dokumentumok/orszagismerteto_ marokko_nyugatszahara.pdf -
Experiências dos operacionais húngaros em Angola depoimentos, In: Besenyő János, Búr Gábor, Horváth Sándor, Rákóczi István: A participação da Hungria nas missões de paz da ONU em Angola. 214 p, Budapest: Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely (HVK TKH), 2017.(ISBN:978-615-80864-0-0), pp. 101-183.
contexto das missões UNAVEM/MONUA, In: Besenyő János, Búr Gábor, Horváth Sándor, Rákóczi István: A participação da Hungria nas missões de paz da ONU em Angola. 214 p, Budapest: Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely (HVK TKH), 2017.(ISBN:978-615-80864-0-0), pp. 8-17.
Christianity and Africa In: János Besenyő; Viktor Marsai: The Dynamics of Conflicts in Africa in the Early 21st Century, 242 p, Dialog Campus, 2018, ISBN 978-615-5889-57-8 (print), ISBN 978-615-5889-58-5 (ebook), https://akfi-dl.uni-nke.hu/
pdf_kiadvanyok/web_PDF_ Dynamics_of_Conflicts_in_ Africa.pdf -
János Besenyő, Andrea Hanna Sólyomfi: The relationship between terrorism and tourism, In: Olcay Çolak; Sevilay Ece Gümüş Özuyar (eds): Selected Topics on Defence Economics and Terrorism, Ekin Yayınevi, 2020. pp. 113-135. ISBN: 978-625-7090-89-6
Besenyő János, Pintér Marcell György: The MINURSO Police Contingent, In: János, Besenyő; Joseph, Huddleston; Yahia, H. Zoubir (szerk.) Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara: The Role of the UN’s Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO), Routledge, CRC Press (2023), 368 p. pp. 182-196. (15 p)
János Besenyő, Moses B Khanyile, Marianna Kármán: Covid-19 Pandemia in Africa: Governmental, Organisational and Civil Measures In: Shadrack, B. Ramokgadi; Mbekezeli, C. Mkhize (szerk.) Reflections on the Complexities of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from the Global South, Stellenbosch, Dél-Afrikai Köztársaság: African Sun Media (2022) pp. 19-49., 31 p.
Besenyő János, Kalo Ottó: Illegal Migration into Europe, on the Western Mediterranean, In: Cem, Karadeli (szerk.) Border Security In Contested Environments. Ankara, Törökország: Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism (2024) pp. 31-55.
Besenyő, J., Sinkó, G. (2024). The Role of the Amniyat in Enforcing the Mandate of the Leadership and Silencing Dissent in Somalia. In: Besenyő, J., Issaev, L., Korotayev, A. (eds) Terrorism and Political Contention. Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
031-53429-4_17 -
Besenyő, J., Sólyomfi, A.H. (2024). Mali: Safe Heaven to Terrorist?. In: Besenyő, J., Issaev, L., Korotayev, A. (eds) Terrorism and Political Contention. Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
031-53429-4_8 -
Besenyő, J., Schneider, R. (2024). New Approaches Within the Peace Mission in Africa Using the Example of Uganda. In: Käsehage, N. (eds) Keeping Peace in Troubled Times. Contributions to International Relations. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
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media_items/aarms-2016-2-1. original.pdf - Besenyő János, Keresztes Vivien: Hezbollah and Boko Haram: Cooperation or Imitation? Strategic Impact (61), Issue 4/2016 pp. 29-40. http://cssas.unap.ro/en/pdf_
periodicals/si61.pdf - Besenyő János; Csajka -Varga Adrián: Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East Proxy Wars, Strategic Impact (ISSN 1841-5784), No- 3-4 (68-69) /2018, pp. 42-53. https://cssas.unap.ro/en/pdf_
periodicals/si68-69.pdf román nyelven: https://cssas.unap.ro/ro/pdf_ publicatii/is68-69.pdf - Besenyő, János; Kármán, Marianna: Effects of Covid-19 pandemy on African health, political and economic strategy, Insights into Regional Development 2: 3 pp. 630-644, 15 p. (2020) DOI: http://doi.org/10.9770/IRD.
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Besenyő János, Gulyás Attila: The effect of the dark web on the security, Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2021 Volume 11 1 pp 103-121, http://www.tb.lt/Leidiniai/
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János Besenyő, Krisztina Márton and Ryan Shaffer: Hospital Attacks Since 9/11: An Analysis of Terrorism Targeting Healthcare Facilities and Workers, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2021.1937821 (Q1)
Besenyő, J.; Sinkó, G. 2021. The social media use of African terrorist organizations: a comparative study of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram, Insights into Regional Development 3(3): 66-78. https://doi.org/10.
9770/IRD.2021.3.3(4) -
Sinkó Gábor; Besenyő János: Comparison of the Secret Service of al-Shabaab, the Amniyat, and the National Intelligence and Security Agency (Somalia), International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, pp 20-40 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1080/
08850607.2021.1987143 -
Besenyő, J. (2024). Evaluating the Africa – EU Partnership on Peace and Security. Interregional Cooperation in Peace Operations: by Friedrich Plank, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 292 pp., £89.99 (hardback and paperback, e-book also available), ISBN 978-3-031-11030-6. International Peacekeeping, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1080/
13533312.2024.2404928 -
T. Ambroży, H. Duda, D. Ambroży, J. Piwowarski Intellectualization of Physical Education in View of Single Aspects of Safety Culture, [w:] ”Theory and Practice Physical Culture”, Moskwa 2013, nr 11, ISSN 0040-3601, s. 31–38.[Web of Science] D. Ambroży, J. Piwowarski, Aesthetic Experience and Spirit in View of Safety Culture, [w:] ”Theory and Practice Physical Culture”, Moskwa 2013, nr 12, ISSN 0040-3601, s. 54–67.
J. Piwowarski, D. Ambroży, Aesthetic Factor as a Determinant for Local Environment Management, “Law, Economy & Management”, London 2012, Vol. 2, no.1, ISSN 2048-4186, s. 99–106.
J. Piwowarski, Reflections on the concept of security, “Policajna teoria a prax. Police Theory and Practice”, Rok XXI. 1/2013, Akademia Policajného Zboru v Bratislave, Bratysława 2013, ISSN 1335-1370, s. 47–56.
J. Piwowarski, Ethics of Organization Culture as an Existing Condition of Security Culture, “Science & Military” 1/2013, Liptovský Mikuláš, ISSN 1336-8885, s.41-47.
J. Piwowarski, Nacionalinio Saugumo Kultūra Ir Valstybės Galia.Mokslinis Tyrimas, „Public Security and Public Order” (17), ISSN 2029-1701, ISSN 2335-2035, Kowno 2016, s. 223-237.
A. Wawrzusiszyn, J. Piwowarski, Cross-border security of modern Europe, “Košická Bezpečnostná Revue” 2/2016, ISSN 1338-4880 (print ver.), ISSN 1338-6956 (online ver.), Koszyce 2016, p. 445–455.
J. Piwowarski, P. Dziekański, Government. Case Study of Financial Variables of the Cities in the Eastern Poland Macro-Region, “International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization”, Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania, 2017,Vol. XXIII, No 2, ISSN 1843-6722, ISSN 2451-3113, s.46-52.
P. Dziekański, J. Piwowarski, Local security as an Element of Local Development. Case Study of Infrastructure And Environmental Variables of the Cities in the Eastern Poland Macro-Region, “International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization”, Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania, 2017, Vol. XXIII, No 2, ISSN 1843-6722, ISSN 2451-3113, s. 53-58.
J. Piwowarski, A. Wawrzusiszyn, Towards More Secure EU Borders. European Border and Coast Guard, “Science and Military”, Military Academy, Liptovský Mikulas 2017, no1,Vol.12, ISSN1336-8885(print)
, ISSN2453-7, s.5-13. -
J. Piwowarski, W. Czajkowski, Sense of threat in the context of behavioural and social behaviour patterns, „Public Security And Public Order” (19), ISSN 2029-1701, ISSN 2335-2035 Kowno 2017, s. 122-134.
T. Ambroży, L. Kručanica, M. Ozimek, A. Stanula, J. Piwowarski, T. Mucha, Management of physical fitness training as a praxeologiocal factor of safety culture, “Košická Bezpečnostná Revue”, Vol.7, No.2 VSBM, Kosice, 2017, ISSN1338-4880 (print ver.), ISSN 1338-6956 (online ), p. 1-11.
J. Piwowarski, Book Review: The Approaches to Creating Security and Defence Strategies, “Politické vedy” 2020, Vol. 23, no. 2/2020, s. 253–256, https://doi.org/10.24040/
politickevedy.2020.23.2.253- 256. -
R. Sopilnyk, J. Piwowarski, Access to a genuinely independent and impartial trial: a review of the sixteenth sustainability goal completeness, “Law, Business & Sustainability Herald” 2021, Vol. 1, no.1, pp. 43 53.
J. Piwowarski, B. Kozicki, M. Jurgilewicz, N. Malec, Managing the Financial Security of Organizations During the Covid-19 Pandemic-Multivariate Analysis, “Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues” 2021, Vol.11, no.1, pp. 537–546.
M. Jurgilewicz, N. Malec, J. Piwowarski, B. Kozicki, Forecasting the Reserve Money of the Central Bank of Poland in the Aspects of Economy Security, “Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues”, 2021,Vol.11, no.1, pp. 525–536.
J .Piwowarski, L. Yankovska, B. Koshovyi, I. Von-Nagy, A. Yevstakhevych, Empowering Theory of Poverty Reduction for Sustainable Development: Does the Welfare of Descendants Matter?, “Problems of Sustainable Development” 2022,Vol.17. No.1, pp.52-63.
S. Dadelo, R. Veršinskas, J. Piwowarski, R. Dadelienė, The most commonly used arrest and self-defence actions arsenal by different officers of internal services, „Archives of Budo”, 2015, nr 11, e-ISSN 1643-8698, s. 277–282.
J. Piwowarski, Intercultural origins of the study of security – a comparison between the Far East and the West, „IDO–Ruch dla kultury”, 2011, vol. 11, nr 1–4, ISSN 1730-2064, s. 15–25.
J. Piwowarski, The continued transfer of Japanese security culture: form ancient to modern Bushido, “Security Dimensions: International & National Studies” 2014, nr 11, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 162–181.
J. Piwowarski, R. Sopilnyk, Elements of the II pillar of security culture. Legal Consciousness and effectiveness of law, „Security Dimensions: International & National Studies”, 2015, nr 13, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 22–34.
K. Holcr, V. Porada, J. Holomek, J. Piwowarski, Social determinants of police (to adjust for security, or safety) sciences, „Security Dimensions: International & National Studies”, 2015, nr 13, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 78–87.
K. Holcr, V. Porada, J. Holomek, J. Piwowarski, Theoretical foundations of Police Sciences, „Security Dimensions: International & National Studies” 2015, nr 14, ISSN2353-7000, s. 17-28
J. Piwowarski, J. Dziubiński, Unipolarity: benefits and long perspective durability, „Security Dimensions: International & National Studies”, 2015, nr 14, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 108–118.
J. Piwowarski, The National Security Culture and the Power of the State. A Scientific Study, „Security Dimensions: International & National Studies” 2015, nr 15, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 31-48
J. Piwowarski, M. Rozwadowski, The Basis of Security Management by Bushido Concept as a Premise of “Toyota Way”, „Security Dimensions: International & National Studies” 2015, nr 15, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 115–132.
J. Piwowarski, W. Czajkowski, Š. Galla, Values as Control Mechanisms for the Behaviour of Members of a Detached Police Group, “Internal Security”, 2015 (july-december), s. 143-156.
J. Dworzecki, J. Piwowarski, Crime Prevention System in the Slovak Republic. Introduction to the Issue, „Security Dimensions: International & National Studies” 2015, nr 16, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 102–126.
J. Gierszewski, J. Piwowarski, Theoretical Basics of Societal Security, „Security Dimensions: International & National Studies” 2016, nr 18, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 30–48.
W.J. Cynarski, J. Piwowarski, Japanese Security Culture in the Global Village. The Budo Charter as a Modernized Element of Ancient Military Tradition, “Security Dimensions: International and National Studies” 2016, nr 20, ISSN 2353-7000, s. 30–50.
T. Grabińska, J. Piwowarski, Tao of Security. A Study of Far-Eastern Security Culture Genesis, “Security Dimensions. International and National Studies” 2017, ISSN 2353-7000, nr 22, s. 30–54.
J. Piwowarski, Social Capital and Human Capital in Overcoming Risks as Elements of Security Culture, “Security Dimensions. International and National Studies”, 2017, ISSN 2353-7000, nr 23, s. 110–114.
J. Piwowarski, T. Ratusiński, Mathematical Thinking and Verifying Erroneous Intuition within the Context of Security. A Case Study, “Security Dimensions. International and National Studies” 2017, ISSN 2353-7000, nr 23, s. 165–174.
J. Piwowarski, W. M. Sokołowski, Genesis of Administrative Aspect of the II Stream of Security Culture. Western Perspective, “Security Dimensions. International and National Studies” 2017, ISSN 2353-7000, nr 23, s. 200–212,.
J. Piwowarski, V. Porada, Basic Concept s of Security Sciences Theory in Security Studies from the Czech Perspective, “Security Dimensions. International and National Studies” 2017, ISSN 2353-7000, nr 24, s. 30–49, DOI 10.24356/SD/24/1.
J. Piwowarski, The Concept of Sustainable Development – the Factor of a Local Security Culture, “Security Dimensions. International and National Studies” 2018, ISSN 2353-7000, nr 25, s. 30–42.
J. Piwowarski, K. Jankowiak, Selected Cultural and Historical Aspects of the Development of the Samurai Ethos with Several Comments on Martial Arts Typology, “Security Dimensions” 2018, no. 26 (2/2018), s. 30–60,.
M. Farnicka, J. Piwowarski, Report on the joint conferences Security Forum XII & XLIV CICA Security in Europe and XLV CICA The future of security and defence in Europe, „Kultura Bezpieczeństwa” 2018, nr 30, s. 47–52.
J. Piwowarski, The security (culture) rhombus. Redefining security environment, „Kultura Bezpieczeństwa” 2019, nr 34, s. 141–154, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.5190
J. Piwowarski, Ł. Trzciński, Anthropological Aspects of Security Culture Analyses within the Context of Selected Elements of Threat and Security Typology, „Security Dimensions” 2019, no. 32, s. 108–126.
R. Gawłowski, M. Kubiak, J. Piwowarski, D. Minkiewicz, Do IT Tools Help Develop Community Policing? Lessons Learned from the Implementation of The National Security Threat Map in Poland, “Polish Political Science Yearbook” 2021, vol. 50 (1), pp. 91–107.
J. Piwowarski, B. Kozicki, M. Jurgilewicz, N. Malec, Managing the financial security of enterprises during the COVID 19; [w:] “Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues” 2021,Vol.11, ISSN 2029 7017, s.537 546 [100 pkt. wg. Listy Ministerstwa] link do art.: https://journals.lka.lt/
journal/jssi/article/1897/info Contemporary challenges for the economic security of enterprises in Poland, [w:] “Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues” 2022, V.12 ISSN 2029 7017, s. 71-80. [100 pkt. Lista Ministerstwa]; link do art.: https://journals.lka.lt/ journal/jssi/article/1915/info -
J. Piwowarski, Security Culture and Self-Improvement. From the Ancient Kshatriya to Modern Samurai, Eastern European Development Association, Bratislava Podhájska 2015, ISBN 978-80-89608-22-5; rec.: prof. Lyubomyr Sopilnyk, dr hab. Tadeusz Ambroży, dr hab. dr hab. Antoni Olak, 7,5 ark.wyd. (ss. 21)
J. Piwowarski, D. Trifunovic, P. Pajorski, Modern Terrorism Left Wing Terrorism. Selected Issues, Res. Institute for European and American Studies & Institute for National and International Security, Athens Belgrade 2024; ISBN: 978 86 81974 04 9; recenzje: prof. dr L. Brozic (Slovenia), prof. dr Rastislav Kazansky (Slovakia), prof. dr John Nomikos (Greece).
J. Piwowarski, D. Trifunovic, P. Pajorski, Modern Terrorism Left Wing Terrorism. Selected Issues, Res. Institute for European and American Studies & Institute for National and International Security, Athens Belgrade 2024; ISBN: 978 86 81974 04 9; recenzje: prof. dr L. Brozic (Slovenia), prof. dr Rastislav Kazansky (Slovakia), prof. dr John Nomikos (Greece).
J. Piwowarski, Tradition and Modernity along with Identity and Openness, as Factors of Complementary Security Culture of Japan, [w:] Zbornik prispevkov z V vedeckiej konferencie, University Matej Bel, Bańska Bistrica 2012, ISBN 978-80-557033-1-2, s. 511–517.
J. Piwowarski, The Police: Ethical Special Administration, [w:] Sbornik prispevku z 5 rocniku mezinarodni vedecke konference, „Bezpecna Evropa 2012”, Karlovy Vary 2012, ISBN 978-80-87236-13-0, s. 134–147.
J. Piwowarski, National Security – an Attempt to Conceptualize, [w:] Bezpečnostné Fórum 2014, Uniwersytet im. Mateja Bela, Bańska Bystrzyca 2014, ISBN 978-80-557-0678-8, s.298-302.
J. Piwowarski, Security Culture as Subdiscipline of Security Studies, [w:] Challenges Towards Security and Delinquency in the 21st Century, T.15, Hamburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-8300-8123-4, s.79-95.
J. Piwowarski, Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in the Informational Society Era – Security Culture versus Physical Culture, [w:] Challenges Towards Security and Delinquency in the 21st Century, T.15, Hamburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-8300-8123-4, s. 253-269.
J. Piwowarski, Selected causes of demoralization of juveniles vs. threat to security culture, “Juvenile Proceedings – Today and Tomorrow”, Schriften zu Mittel- und Osteuropa in der Europäischen Integration, t.16, ISBN 978-3-8300-8593-5; Hamburg 2015, s. 21–33.
J. Piwowarski, P. Maciejczyk-Cień, Territorial Defense Forces as the Fifth Branch of the Military Forces of the Republic of Poland, [w:] Národná a medzinárodná bezpečnosť 2017. Zborník vedeckých prác, Military Academy Liptovský Mikuláš 2017, ISBN 978-80-8040-551-9, s. 360–369.
J. Piwowarski, W. Czajkowski, Security Culture and Morale: Determinants of Effective Operation of Uniformed Services, [w:] Cross-Cultural Dialogue as a Conflict Management Strategy-2018, J. Martín Ramírez, G.Aad-Quintanal (red.), Springer Nature SwitzerlandAG, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-77231-8,s.23-33. [Scopus]
J. Piwowarski, Three Energy Streams of Security Culture – A Theoretical Research Model in Security Sciences, [w:] Security and Defence in Europe, J. Martín Ramírez, J. Biziewski (eds), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-12292-8, s. 3–22. [Scopus]
J. Piwowarski, Information Society and the Protective Influence of Security Culture, [w:] A Shift in the Security Paradigm. Global Challenge: Is Europe Ready to Meet Them?, J. Martín Ramírez, J. Biziewski (eds), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-43252-2, s. 209–234.
J. Piwowarski, A. Pach–Gurgul, Axiological, economic and legal challenges for the functioning of the Energy Union in the context of energy security of the European Union, [w:] Security and Defence: Ethical and Legal Challengesin the Face of Current Conflicts, Springer, Madryt 2022, ISBN978 3 030 95938 8 [Scopus]
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