Professional Practice “The Belgrade School of Applied Security” was held in the premises of INIS in period from May 4 to May 12, 2015.

“Belgrade School of Applied Security” is unique product of Institute for National and International Security, the purpose of “Belgrade School of Applied Security” is to respond on modern time security challenges. The participants absorb the core and comprehensive knowledge from the areas of :

The head and coordinator of “the Belgrade School of Applied Security” is Dr Darko Trifunović. “The Belgrade School of Applied Security” emerged as a need for a synthesis between theory and practice. The lecturers are eminent experts with many years of experience in the work of various services as well as international organizations. Everyday students could hear 3 subjects each of which lasted 2 school hours. Lectures started at 2 pm and ended at 20 o’clock.

The idea of ​​this project was to give students certain experiential knowledge in the field of: Intelligence Services and Methodology, Rade Džodić Counterintelligence services and methodology, Aleksandar Kovačević Security System Analyst, Andrej Protic Analyst and Security Services, Colonel Stevan Djurovic State Security Service and Methodology, Prof. Dr. Mladen Bajagić Special War and Special Skills and Techniques, Nikola Antić Psychological – propaganda war, Goran Matic.

Daily lectures have enabled students to acquire knowledge in those areas. In addition to classical lectures, lecturers worked together with students in some types of workshops. The workshops were organized in the form of discussions so that the students themselves would be involved in solving the given problems, giving their opinions.

Only student involvement in lectures allowed them to see how analysts, intelligence, counterintelligence, and other jobs actually look in practice.