The meeting of Scientific Board of INIS held September 10 at INIS Headquarter. Main topic was the possibility of utilizing the capacity and multinational potential of INIS, in particular through its members and associated institutions, in strengthening the European – American scientific cooperation. After introductory speeches, aiming in understanding the capabilities and interests of all participating parties, R&D/R&I was the focus of the Scientific Board of INIS. Based on INIS goals and current projects, various initiatives, prospects for cooperation and new ideas were discussed. As a conclusion, operational working group was formed to define the common approach for new projects, starting with open and forthcoming calls for Horizon 2020, NSF and similar financing organizations. It was presented as great success fact that INIS obtain status of Scientific Academic Society by the letter from Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia signed by the Minister Mladen Šarčević. Almost 50 professors of Security and Intelligence from 22 countries, status of Scientific Academic Society and impressive working space marked first year of INIS activities.

Participants of the meeting: