He has been working at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the MBU in B. Bystrica since its establishment (1995). He is one of its first graduates, and for his excellent results achieved during his studies he won the Rector’s Award of the Matej Bel University in B. Bystrica. In 2002 he successfully passed a rigorous procedure and in 2006 he completed his doctoral studies by successfully defending his dissertation in the study field of political theory. Three years later, he received an associate professorship in the same field. During his tenure at the faculty, he worked as vice-dean for computerization and development, vice-dean for international relations, was appointed head of the department of security studies and head of the department of political science. Since 1 July 2016, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the MBU in Banská Bystrica. He is the chairman of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of the MBU in Banská Bystrica, an external member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, external member of the Scientific Board of the University of Security Management in Košice, member of the Academic Board of the University of International and Public Relations in Prague and member of the Program Board of the scientific journal Studia Politicae Universitatis Silensiensis (Katowice, Poland). In addition, he is often a member of the scientific and organizational committees of various domestic and foreign conferences and also serves as a member of trade unions and a reviewer of several professional monographs and papers. Every year, he participates in job mobility abroad, within which he develops mutual relations between the faculty and foreign universities. He personally contributed to the establishment and development of cooperation with universities in the Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia and Montenegro. In his pedagogical and scientific-research (publishing) activities, he focuses primarily on the field of comparative political science – he is an expert on the political systems of the USA, the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Scandinavia. It also deals with modern theories of democracy and modern political methods. The recognition of his expertise is evidenced by several invited lectures from abroad, appearances at various domestic and international conferences and appearances in the media.In the past, he was one of the successful solvers of projects funded by the Scientific Education and Grant Agency, the EU Structural Funds or the International Visegrad Fund.