Iskra Akimovska Maletic is a Doctor of Legal Sciences (PhD). She graduated from the Faculty of Law, Skopje, where she took her MA degree in Administrative Law. She took her PhD in Public Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Nis, Serbia. Akimovska Maletic passed the bar exam. She completed post-graduate International School at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science, Bertinoro (Forli), Italy and completed training session at the International Institute for Public Administration, Paris, France.
Dr. Akimovska Maletic is a full professor at the Faculty of Security – Skopje, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola. She previously worked in the Office of the Ombudsman. She was head of Joint Degree University Studies in “Security and Financial Control” organized by “St. Kliment Ohridski “- Bitola. Dr. Akimovska Maletic teaches students at several levels of study (undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate).
Dr. Akimovska Maletic is author/co-author of 4 books (university books and monographs) and more than 65 articles in scientific and professional journals in the country and abroad.
Dr. Iskra Akimovska Maletic attended many conferences and seminars in London, Paris, Cardiff, Athens, Lemos (Greece), Budapest, Vienna, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, etc. Among others, she participated at Trans-European dialogue TED 4, Law and Public Management Revisited, organized by the Network of Institutes and Schools for public administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) in Vienna, Austria and at the Regional Conference “Administrative Justice in Western Balkans”, organized by Regional School of Public Administration (RESPA), Podgorica, Montenegro.
Dr. Akimovska Maletic participated in university research projects, Tempus Project and in projects of the European Union, the Council of Europe, World Bank, USAID, UNDP, (OECD) SIGMA, etc. She provided trainings and lectures to civil servants, administrative inspectors, judges, public prosecutors, employees in the Ministry of Interior, penitentiary institutions, the Public Revenue Office, the Intelligence Agency, the Directorate for Personal Data Protection, etc.
Dr. Akimovska Maletic is member of the Ethics Subcommittee of medicine, pharmacy, veterinary and dentistry at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) and member of the Interuniversity conference. She is reviewer of university and secondary vocational education books and many scientific and professional papers in the country and abroad. She was Secretary and member of the Editorial board of the Yearbooks published by the University. Dr. Akimovska Maletic was member of Scientific Councils and Executive Boards for International Scientific Conferences organized by the Universities in the country and abroad.