Born in 1975 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Graduated from the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Sarajevo in 1998. Attended postgraduate studies “South Eastern European Studies” at the Faculty of Political Science of the National University of Athens, Greece. The study finishes with the Master’s Thesis entitled “New Dimension in Southeast Europe – Stability Pact” on November 22, 2000. From 1998 to 2000 he worked at the Faculty of Political Science in Sarajevo as a Seniour Lecturer.
The doctoral dissertation “Private Security Agency in the Institutional Reform of the Security System of Bosnia and Herzegovina” he defends 18.07.2008. at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, and thus gained the title of Doctor of Political Science. Since 2001, he has been employed at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, as a professor in the scientific field of Security Studies, and was appointed as a professor in 2013. He is a co-worker of DCAF-Center for Democratic Control of Arms from Geneva, Switzerland.
“Police Practice and Research Journal” -USA, Review for Art, Science and Social Issues “Odjek” and Reference Scientific Journal “Criminal Justice Issues” FKKSS – BiH. During his doctoral and postdoctoral studies he participated in several scientific-research projects and studied at several foreign Universities, Institutes as well as international organizations. Scientific Area of Interest: Security, Criminal Justice, Terrorism, Law Enforcement Agencies. He has published four scientific books and more than 50 scientific and professional papers both in domestic and foreign journals. Active in academia and public sphere issues.
E-mail: jahic@fkn.unsa.ba