Born: 29 January 1950, Risan, Kotor, Montenegro

Workplace and current academic status and position: Full Professor, Dean at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade 50 Gospodara Vucica St., 11000 Belgrade; Serbia E-mail:

Education: 1956-1964. The eight-year school “Njegoš” Kotor, Montenegro 1964 -1968. High school “Stefan Mitrov Ljubisa”, Kotor, Montenegro 1968-1972. B. Sc. in Biology; Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade, graduate biologist, 1972-1976. M. Sc. in Animal Ecology; Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade, Postgraduate Studies (Animal Ecology), Master of Biological Sciences. 1979-1980. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA: Comparative morphology, taxonomy and ecology of the Apoidea (Hymenoptera); Pre doctoral fellow 1981 Ph. D. in Biology; Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade, Doctor of Biological Sciences.

Academic career: 1972-1982: Teaching Assistant / Research Assistant, Faculty of Science (Biology), University of Belgrade. 1982-1991: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science (Biology), University of Belgrade 1991-1998: Associate Professor, Faculty of Biology – Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade. 1998 – 2007: Full Professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade 2007 – present: Full Professor, Faculty of Security Studies; University of Belgrade

Courses at the Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Security Studies: Invertebrate Zoology, Entomology, Principles of systematic Zoology, General Biology, Diversity of Life, Principles of Ecology, Man and Environment, Environmental Protection, Conservation and Protection of Biodiversity, Ecology and Geography of Animals. Fundamentals of Ecology, Ecological terrorism, Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection, Social ecology.

Professional function in the Government of the Republic of Serbia: 2008 – 2012: State Secretary at the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia. January 2013 to June 2014: Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. July 2014 – to June 2015: Special Adviser to the Minister (for the Environmental Protection), Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia.

Engaging in other Colleges/ Universities 1973-1979: Teaching Assistant (Invertebrate Zoology), Faculty of Science (Biology), University of Kragujevac), Serbia. 1992-1995: Associate Professor, (Man and Environment) Faculty of Science (Biology), University of Kragujevac, Serbia. 2004-2007: Full Professor, (Biogeography and biodiversity protection, Diversity of Life) Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Serbia. 2005-2007: Full Professor, (Fundamentals of Ecology) Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia. 2005-2006: Full Professor, (Ph.D. Study – Protection of biodiversity) Institute of Marine Biology, Kotor, University of Podgorica, Montenegro. 2004 – present: Full Professor, (Environmental Protection, Ecology of Animals, Terrestrial Ecology, Human and Urban ecology, Biodiversity Protection) Faculty of Science, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2011 – present Full Professor, (master academic studies Environmental Policy: Ecological diversity) Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade

Scientific issues: Ecology, Environmental Protection in terms of: Biomonitoring, Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity, Sustainable use of Biological Resources, Landscape Ecology, Ecological aspects of spatial planning

Training: 1974, 1978 National Museum of Natural History, Prague, Czech Republic: Taxonomy and comparative morphological study of the Hymenoptera (Insecta). 1979-1980 Smithsonian Institution Ph.D. Candidate, NMNH, Department of Entomology and Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, Washington DC, USA: Comparative-morphological, taxonomic and ecological studies of the Apoidea (Hymenoptera); Ph. D. Candidate. 1988; 1990 Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark: Comparative morphology and ecology of the Sphecidae (Hymenoptera, Insecta)

Professional academic functions: 1989-1994: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Biology – Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade. 1994-2001: Dean of the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. 2000-2007: Head of the Chair of Ecology and Geography of Animals, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. 2012–2015: Head of the Chair of Civil and Environmental Protection Studies, Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade 2015-present Dean of the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade

Other academicals and social activity:

1987-1989: Member of the Council, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. 1993-1998: Member of the Expert Council for Biotechnical Sciences, University of Belgrade. 1994-2000: Member of the Educational Council, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia. 1994-1998: Member of the Council for Environmental Education, the Ministry of Environment Republic of Serbia (coordinator for the university level). 1997-1999: President of the Expert Group for the establishment of the Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of the SEE countries, the Federal Ministry for Development, Science and Environment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 1999-2001: Member of the Foundation Council of the University of Belgrade. 1998-2000: Member of the Board of Biology and Biotechnology Science of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia. 1996-2000: Vice President of the Council for the revitalization of the Deliblato Sands and care of natural protected areas managed by Serbia forest. 2000-2001 Member of the National Council for Genetic Resources, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 1996 -2001: Expert in the field 1.1.17. Biology and 05/01/52. Ecology, Federal Ministry for Development, Science and the Environment. 1999-2000: Member of the Coordinating Body for the analysis of environmental accidents as a result of NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, Federal Ministry for Development, Science and Environment. 1999: Assistant Chief of Staff of the Civil Protection of Republic of Serbia (for the environmental consequences of the war), Ministry of Defense of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia Regional Authority). 2001: Member of the Commission for the protection of species of wild flora and fauna and biodiversity, the Ministry of Health and Environment (Protection of Environment) R. Serbia. 2002: Member of the Council for the Environment (Federal Chamber of Commerce). 2002-2004: Member of the Expert Council for Biotechnology Science, University of Belgrade. 2004: Member of the Council Group for Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Belgrade. 2004-2007: Member of the Expert Council for the Natural Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry), University of Belgrade 2004-2006: Member of NEAP – Group Biodiversity, Environmental Capacity Building Program 2003, European Agency for Reconstruction, Belgrade Office. Since 2004: Member of the Board of Man and the Environment SASA (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts). 2005-2007: Member of the Advisory Board: Project ALARM (Assessing Large scale Environmental Risk for biodiversity with tested Methods). Socio-economics Module. EU’s 6th Framework Program (50 scientific institutes from 20 countries). Coordinator: SERI-Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany. 2009-2012: Member of the Steering Committee of the project: Program on Education for Sustainable Development in Western Balkans. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Regional Environmental Center in Szentendre, Hungary. 2009-2012: Member of the Steering Committee of the project: “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Local Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans” Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Norway, ECNC, Regional Environmental Center in Szentendre, Hungary. 2011-2012: Member of the Management Board of the project “Assistance in the implementation of chemicals management in Serbia” The Republic of Serbia, Chemicals Agency, Funded by the European Union, Instruments for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). 2013-present: Member of the Management Board of the Agency for Ionizing Radiation and Nuclear Safety of Serbia. 2015-present Member of experts group UNEP United Nations Environmental Program, GEO 6 – Global Environment Outlook. 2015-present Member of High-Level Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Advisory Group (HLG). UNEP United Nations Environmental Program, GEO 6 – Global Environment Outlook. Participation in research projects 1978-1985: Taxonomic and Biogeography Studies of Fauna of the SR Serbia. Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia (MSRS) 1986-1990: Taxonomic, Biogeography and Evolutionary Studies of Fauna and Flora of the SR Serbia. (MSRS) 1991-1995: The Systematic and Phylogenetic Studies of Plants and Animals (# 0320) (MSRS) 1991-1995: Ecosystem and Biogeography Studies of Rare and Endangered Species and Communities (# 0321) (MNRS) 1996-2001: Ecology, Biogeography, Diversity and Monitoring of Fauna (# 03E04) (MSRS) 2002-2003: The Centers of Diversity, Application Resources and Environmental Protection Aspects of the Mammal Fauna of Serbia. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia (Project Manager) 2003-2004: The Regional Spatial Plan of the Administrative Area of Belgrade, Head of topics: Ecosystems: Nature as a basis for spatial development. (Belgrade City Assembly). 2002-2005: Inventory, Monitoring and Evaluation Components of the Fauna in the Integral Protection of Biodiversity (# 1525 project manager) (MSRS). 2003-2006: Establishing Sustainable Development Indicators of the Republic of Serbia (Topic: Biodiversity). Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia). 2004-2006: Application of GIS technology in the Evaluation and Nature Conservation NP Tara (project manager) Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia). 2007-2008: Training in Wetland Inventory using modern technology, The Goulandris Natural History Museum, Greek Biotope / Wetland Centre, Thessaloniki and Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (Scientific Project Coordinator) 2008-2010: Protected Areas in Serbia: Security Risks and Control Instruments of Protection. Ministry of Science, Technology Development (# 21026) (project manager) 2009- 2010: Spatial Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia 2009-2013-2020. Topic: Nature of Serbia – Serbia Biodiversity (Head of topics: Biodiversity Serbia). Republic Agency for Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia. 2010 – 2011 Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2021. Topic: Biodiversity (Head of threads). The Republic of Serbia; Ministry of Environment and Republic Agency for Spatial Planning. 2011-.present: Molecular genetic and eco-physiological research in the Protection of Indigenous Animal Genetic Resources, the Preservation of the Welfare, Health and Reproduction of Animals Bred and Producing safe Food. (No. III 46002) NIO Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia from the Program of Integral and Interdisciplinary Research. 2014 -.2015 National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan in the Republic of Serbia. Project of UNDP Country Office in Serbia. (National Project Director). 2014 – 2015 Ensuring Financial Sustainability of the Protected Areas System in Serbia. Project of UNDP Country Office in Serbia. (National Project Director). 2015 – DAnube river region Resilience Exchange network – DAREnet. H 2020 project. Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of Security. European Commission, Directorate general for migration and home affairs; Migration and Mobility, Innovation and Industry for Security, Number 740750.