DZIUBEK Ireneusz Teodor – DSc in Defence Sciences (War Studies Academy in Warsaw); professor of the Calisia University (Kalisz, Poland); chairman Research and Implementation Centre (Calisia University); V-ce President of the “Bellona” Shooting Association and a member of: „Edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa” Association in Poznan, Polish Society of Political Sciences (branch in Warsaw), International Police Association – Section Poland, Police Motor Corporation Poland, Polish Hunting Association and Polish Sports Shooting Association; expert witness in the field of weapons, ammunition, explosives; author and co-author of numerous studies and monographs; holder of patents related to the construction and building of weapons; area of interest: defence education; scientific aspects of weapons and security techniques; legislative processes related to the functioning of public security institutions; promoting measures to improve the security of citizens; anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism.